About Delhi Medical Tourism
Delhi Medical Tourism is Delhi based center specializing in providing affordable medical care and treatment packages to Indian and global patients. Unlike most other medical tourism centers run by non-medical professionals, this unique centre gives the added advantage of you being guided by a group of highly qualified doctors. It has tie-ups with the major hospitals of Delhi. These hospitals provide treatment for a vast range of illnesses and surgery including Joint Replacement (Knee/Hip), Cardiac Surgery, Renal and Liver Transplant, Bone-marrow Transplant, Dental Surgery, and Cosmetic Surgeries.

Medical Tourism in India
India is a perfect destination for medical tourism. India excels in providing quality and cheap health care services to overseas tourists. The field has such lucrative potential.Read more...

Cost Comparison
India is the best site for medical tourism. Cost of treatment in India is approximately 1/6th that of European countries. Read more...

Health Suggestions
Introduction: A survey shows that, 75% people in the world are in a sub-healthy state. In the following section, we will give you four suggestions for your health and longevity. We hope you can get rid of sub-health through these daily habits.Read more...